The Heat Pump People work with Christchurch builders, Build by Design to help kiwis realise their property building dreams.
Michael Davidson project manages and installs the equipment for Build by Design on behalf of The Heat Pump People, along with his colleague Mark, "The team lead by Peter are a pleasure to deal with, we install a variety of products from ducted heat pumps with zone control, cassettes, floor consoles and high walls in their homes. Any on-site issues are discussed and solutions found quickly focusing on their customer's requirements. Build By Design use great contractors who all work together on their projects. Build By Design are a fantastic client to work for."
Whether you're a first time builder, buyer, upsizer, or simply looking to for something smaller now that the kids have grown up & moved out, Build by Design are available to help you build the home you deserve.
You can expect more than a place that ticks a few of the 'must-haves' because the team aim to cross everything off your list. They know, just as we do, building a house is a big deal, and that's why we work with Peter and the team to help you make the most of every step of the process & to ensure your home is comfortable all year round.
Click here to contact the team at Build by Design or call The Heat Pump People to learn more about our new home heating & cooling solutions on 03 366 1823.